Drivedroid windows

В данной статье мы расскажем о способах установки Windows 10. toc Сегодня большое количество. DriveDroid,更新增加DriveDroid.Paid.0.10.10中文汉化版。win98时代,大家用软盘做启动盘,winXP时代,大家用光盘做启动盘,win7时代. Drive Droid is an Android application that allows you to boot your PC from ISO/IMG files stored on your phone. This is ideal for trying Linux distributions or always. В данной статье мы расскажем о способах установки Windows 10. toc Сегодня большое количество. Telefon zerinden Windows kurmak i in ncelikle telefonunuzun kesinlikle Root'lu olması gerekiyor.Eğer root edilmemiş bir telefonunuz var ise bu işlemi. Note: DriveDroid also includes a convenient download images (.iso or img), where you can download images of a number of operating systems on your phone. A large number of PC users today use USB drives as bootable media to perform a clean install Windows 10 or earlier versions. While installing 마이크로소프트 윈도우 사용자 모임, 강좌, 팁, 문제 해결, 설치기, 장터, 웹자료 제공. Here are the best Windows rescue disks to help you access your computer for making repairs and backups, even when it won't. 把windows 8的wimboot功能应用到windows 7上,目前使用一切正常. 使用wimboot可以节省大量的磁盘空间,特别是多系统的情况下更是明显. 这是比较新的WinNTSetup版本,支持WIN8.1的安装,镜像请选择官方下载的win8.1的iso系统即可。 它可以让你在pe下安装官方原版系统。.